Friday, December 16, 2011

How to Draw a Jasmine Flower

How to Draw a Jasmine Flower

Beginning with a simple star guideline -- if you find it helpful... go ahead and draw your flower similar to how I've done in the examples below. Feel free to change your creation up a bit - change the way the petals overlap, the tilt of the flower, and maybe even the size of the petals too.
Here's how to draw it...
Jasmine flower drawing First Step Jasmine flower drawing First Step Jasmine flower drawing First Step Jasmine flower drawing First Step Jasmine flower drawing First Step Jasmine flower drawing First Step
Pretty straight forward -- each spoke of the guideline can be used ahead of time to ensure that each petal of your flower lines up... or is at least of the same relative size. But of course, this isn't always the case in nature. It's OK to draw it a bit lop-sided, turned, curved, etc. And this is a good thing, as your drawing will only be all the more unique!
And that's how to create a simple Jasmine flower. Next step, take a look at some photos (or outside!) and see if you can come up with a nice color combination for your flower.

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